Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I want night night

"I want night night!" This is Joshua's phrase for time to go to sleep. I like this picture of him because he looks rather peaceful in my chair as he is ready for a nap. This is how I feel. I am tired. I am tired from being a parent. I am tired from being a pastor. I am tired from being a husband but I am not tired of being any of these things. I love my wife so very much and I love to give her all the time she needs. There are days she requires more and I cannot tell her no. I love my boys. They fill my days (good and bad) with so much activity and it really can wear a guy out. Unfortunately they also fill my nights often with cries and sleeplessness. I love being a pastor and proclaiming God's love, peace and grace to the church I am privileged to serve. But people ask a lot of you and teens are no exception. I am tired. I need a nap. However I am glad that my life is full of so many worthwhile things. I cannot imagine having all the energy in the world and noone to give it to but me. This post is not a complaint, just more a statement of being. I want night night for a couple days. Perhaps one day I will get that but I am certain it will not be until the boys are in college. Oh sweet bliss of higher education come to me! For now I will simply say thank you God for life to give and ones I love to give it to. Grace and Peace.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sometimes it feels good to make a "statement of being" just for your own clarity if nothing else. You could give the kids some of that cough medecine that causes drowsyness and then sleep, my parents did that all the time when i was little! :)