Friday, September 29, 2006

Out with the Old...

Yesterday was an amazingly busy day. The day begins with my realization that I am getting sick. Like most sicknesses it has it onset symptoms--this time it is a scratchy throat. Now it is important to understand that is not a good day for sickness, there is far too much to get accomplished. At 9am Brenda and I were to meet with the realtors to begin the sale process on our house. That went very smoothly and they gave us some very helpful suggestions on how to spruce up the joint to attract more buyers. We then went out to Walmart and purchased about $150 worth of landscaping supplies, plants, and whatnot. We returned home and immediately began to clear out the garage in preparation for a garage sale that we are having in conjunction with some friends on Saturday. We completely emptied out the garage by noon and my sickness had began to kick into full effect and sapped me of my strength. So we took a break and went out for lunch (while all of our stuff sat in the driveway--living in a small town does have its advantages) in hopes that it would revive me a bit. We returned and got back to work but I continued to feel sluggish and such so I crawled up into the car and took a quick nap while Brenda talked with the neighbors. I awoke to the sounds of voices and realized I the topic of conversation so I thought I would join them in talking about me. We chatted a while and then Bren and I got back to the grind. The phone rang and it was our realtor letting us know after only 6 1/2 hours on the market there was a family that wanted to look at our house. This came as quite a surprise to us and essentially we had 1 hour to get the house ready to be looked at. We switched into high gear, threw things back into the garage in the most orderly way that we could, potted plants, spread mulch, and cleaned up the kitchen. It was an amazing fete. We then vacated our house so that strangers could come in and essentially evaluate the way that we have chosen to live for the last 5 years. Since it was so close to 5 decided to go and get the boys and then return home. As we pulled back onto our street we noticed a minivan that had just parked in front of our house and some folks were checking things out. We were surprised and so we checked out cell phone which had been turned off by mistake and sure enough there was a message from our realtor that a second buyer was interested in looking at our little stake of land. So we circled the block a few times, stalking our own house until we saw the intruders leave and then we commenced life as usual. All in all it was an interesting day but one that I am glad is over. However, it has gotten me to thinking, how often over the course of the next month is my life going to put on hold for the interests of another (specifically the interest of another in buying my house)? As a pastor I am used to many times placing the interests of others over that of my own but this is different. This is new ground for me to be trodding. I am not doing this for the sake of benefiting another spiritually, I am putting myself out in hopes of personal gain. It seems quite trivial but something I suppose I will be forced to live with. May God bless this time of new experience and give me peace to say "no problem" each time I am asked to vacate my house for the sake of another. By the way, the picture of Benjamin has nothing to due with the day. He is just too cute. Grace and Peace.


Amy Nelson said...

If I lived in KC - I could see you all more! But I don't. I live in Atlanta. Oh well. This blog thing will have to do. :)

Anonymous said...

Cute little man! He looks so much like both of you!

Anonymous said...

Benjamin is such a cutie. I trust you are feeling better and that the sale of the house goes quickly and smoothly.

Anonymous said...

what is the rest of the story? r u better and did the house sell

John said...

Update...i am well. I did not die from the horrible illness that ravaged my body. All of the hardwork paid off Momma Lee. We made lots of money in our yard sale Saturday and had a contract on our house on Friday. We continue to pray that all goes well with this contract because it is a very nice offer.

Anonymous said...

I go to Piedmont and I've always enjoyed listening to you preach at youth events. I'm sad that you're moving, but i hope that everything works out. we'll all miss you!

matthew14_31 said...

he looks just like you lol. glad you are moving closer, i don't care how cold it is when you get here, we will go throw some discs, i haven't since you left. such a sad situation.
Matt McCluer