Monday, March 20, 2006

Bracket Madness

Well I believe that I am experiencing bracket madness. Truthfully I am really experiencing bracket frustration but it is manifesting itself in madness. I find myself mumbling incoherently about wins and loses and trying to find logic in the illogical. It is impossible and I know it. Really all I want is to find some sense of sanity in this insane segment of my life. March Madness is supposed to make some sense but this year there seems to be this indescribable blur of activity and upsets that I cannot seem to comprehend. I reckon it all boils down to the loss my beloved jayhawks experienced at the hands of a no fame school--Bradley-- from a no fame conference--Missouri Valley--effectively bumping them from the tourney in the first round and sending my bracket to the trash on the first day. How am I to rebound--forgive the basketball vernacular--from such a terribly gut wrenching experience and find the strength to get out of bed for the rest of March? Well it is not all that bad but--Holy Crap--let's face it...BRADLEY!!!! Ok, I am glad that I got that little temper tandrum out of my system. Now I can try and enjoy the mystery that March Madness is to me. I love mystery and that is why I am so in love with Christ and His Church. Living in the mystery of this sacramental existence is such a blessed way to experience life. Well I am done for now. Grace and Peace.


Scott Williams said...

So John, how do you really feel?

Anonymous said...

Your post makes me giggle some. I had never filled out a bracket until this year and I am winning out of 41 people. Maybe that is because all of my choices were illogical in your eyes. I don't know, but we'll see. Have a great day, Johnny boy!!