Monday, October 16, 2006

Interesting Article

I came across this article on Sojourners and found it to be quite compelling. Give me your thoughts. Obviously there is heightened violence and death due to the ongoing struggle in Iraq. I have felt that we have been asking the wrong questions for quite sometime with regards to our presence in the area. The US goal is to bring democracy--or so we are told. The numbers given for deaths and casualties by our government are primarily only for US troops but we as christians should be concerned about human life regardless of nationality or belief. There is great loss of life happening and America seems to appreciate it and even worse, invite it. I invite your thoughts on this short article and full report that it links to. Grace and Peace


Anonymous said...

What a heart wrenching article. I had no idea. Shame on me.

John said...

Shame on many of us Dawn for not only not knowing but not speaking out.

Evan and Julia Abla said...

God help us if these numbers are truly accurate. God help us all!