So it has been a while since I last updated. I unfortunately allow myself to get behind at times on meaningful things to take care of the necessary. Bad trait, even as it relates to the disciplines. I recently read a post on Monty Stewart's blog (a pastor buddy in Hawaii) with regards to the nature of exercise. I too despise the notion of exercise. I have friends who enjoy it, Jason @ The Shire and Che @ Cosmopolis, and are very committed to it. I, on the other hand, like to play. I like to play sports, ride bikes, swim, etc...I do not enjoy it for the reasons of exercise and health though. I enjoy it for the simple sake that I am a big kid and I like to have fun. I enjoy wrestling around with my boys and cannot wait until they are older so I can challenge then to games of one on one. Which ultimately means I had better not allow myself to go too far down hill physically or I will be losing badly to 7 and 8 year olds. But I digress, I do not like activity when it is labeled exercise. It carries a connotation of drudgery and oppression. Therefore, I avoid simple exercise. However, if I am challenged in a sport, or asked to take a hike, or some other form of communal activity involving persons that I enjoy spending time with then I am more apt to participate in healthy living.
Now this brings me to the point of my writing today. We often neglect many things in life because they seem difficult or tiresome. I am guilty of this at times as it relates to the spiritual disciplines. I know that I should read scripture, pray, journal, meditate, etc...but there are days that I just do not because it feels to tiresome and oppressive to me. However I end up coming to a place of unavoidable dryness and longing that brings me back to the disciplines is a way that is refreshing and needed. I do not see it as tiresome and oppressive but necessary and exciting. I am not advocating ignoring the disciplines for this reason, I am merely pointing out a shortcoming in my life.
I see this happening at times with the church also. So many folks come on Sundays and allow this to be the sole time they associate themselves with the community. I have preached a series of messages for the last 6 weeks on the characteristics of Christian Community and the necessity of giving ourselves to the striving of living in such a way. Most folks will nod their heads in agreement then walk out the door and not allow themselves to be encountered by community again until the following Sunday. Consequently there are times of dryness and longing that happen and suddenly they desire more interaction and wonder why no one has called them or came to see them. Living life within a community requires us to be intentional and authentic with one another. If we do not give ourselves over to such a life then we miss out on the joy of being united with others of faith in the pursuit of the Kingdom. I have been intentionally getting the folks of my church interacting with one anther outside the church walls. Sunday nights in the park and fellowship in homes has been the order of the day for us lately. It has it benefits but people will be people and therefore complain. to live intentionally in community takes a little more effort but the joy outweighs the sacrifice. These pictures are of our 4th of July fun night. Afterall, community is a little more fun when you get to play with fire. God bless.