Thursday, July 06, 2006

Champion Sleeper

Here is the situation...My oldest son sleeps in his own bed, much to the excitement of his parents. He has been doing this now for about 8 months. He does well and we do not worry much about him. We put him down at night around 9-9:30 by reading books, singing songs, prayer and then hugs and kisses. It is a very non-efficient ritual (as it changed just a bit nightly) but we enjoy it and it prepares him for sleep. We turn off the light and he goes to sleep and that is about the end of it. He is also potty trained for the most part. He has his occasional accident but most of his evacuations go into the toilet and we stand around all proud of him and have mini-parties each time he does it. The reason for this is simple--less poo on daddy's hands is always a reason to celebrate. Now, it is important to note for the sake of today's blog that he does still wear either a diaper or pull-up to bed. He also holds it well at night but again we know there is the occasional accident--comeon the kid is only 2 1/2! So here is the story. Last night Joshua was given about one cup too much juice. He received a cup after nursery at church unbeknownst to me I came home and gave him another cup and then just before we put him down my wife gave him a half cup. The only problem is that he did not go potty (that word really challenges my "manliness" everytime I say it) prior to bedtime. Now that is quite a substantial amount of liquid churning around inside my kids bladder. Somewhere around 3am my wife hears Joshua calling out. She goes to check on him to find that he is drenched. He has drained said bladder to such a degree that pee has traveled out of his diaper (once again I need to discuss the weight capacity limits of their product with the folks from White Cloud) and onto himself and all of his bedding. So upon finding out his bit of info Brenda brings him to bed with us. Now I recall Joshua being in bed with us. I recall waking up with him beside me. I do not recall her bringing him to bed nor do recall hearing him cry out about being wet or him tossing and turning and lying sideways on the bed. My wife complains about not sleeping well--I do not recall waking up. This is not due to the size of our bed as it is only a queen. The primary reason that I was able to withstand the onslaught that is sleeping in the same bed with Joshua (the chainsaw) is that I am a champion sleeper. I guess being a youth pastor has taught me how to sleep through anything. Thank you Lord for the ability to get sleep regardless. Please help my wife though to sleep well tonight. Grace and Peace.

1 comment:

Scott Williams said...

Sounds like things are really going down the toilet with you guys lately:) Glad you made it back home safely!